Bimala in the movie “Ghare-Baire” by Satyajit Ray

Bimala in the movie “Ghare-Baire” by Satyajit Ray

When man is the freedom and the reason to be free, the taste of freedom seems more alluring and enticing than the reason behind it. Bimala, a woman and every woman in life. A woman destined to be submitted to patriarchal society, devoted, seclusioned and sustained in the life she lives.
“Ghare-Baire” The home and the World is a novel by Rabindranath Tagore. The movie is directed by Satyajit Ray.

Two man as two fortunes for the lady she ever dreamt. Nikhil the ideal, modern husband who believes women are never to be caged but to be set free, frees Bimala from the cultural bondages. Walking past the door step of freedom Bimala tears herself apart into her idealistic views on Swadeshi Movement and the choice to love a man based on her ideologies rather than based on her societal norms.

Sandip takes the form of another fortunate discovery Bimala is on her way to discover. Sandip is the choice of the power to be free. Bimala enters a new world beyond the world of widows, servants and herself. Baire provides her the freedom to have a choice, to think, to do and to be.

The film intricately wovens the dilemma Bimala carries in her heart and mind. From being dolled up for a man to be dolled up for oneself is the freedom Bimala gets to relish with Sandip.

Gaire is not just about Bimala as identified of Nikhil’s but it is also about the different status quo woman discriminates and celebrates. Status quo like being married and being a widow.

The dilemma of being in the arms of two man and kissing a stranger who is not one’s husband takes Bimala into the pedestal of justification. How could she justify who she is and who she is meant to be. The stance of jealousy of having a man and having no man (widow) is the home of the women.

The window that reveals Nikhil’s leaving home on that doomed night, reveals the coming of his mourned body as well. Bimala standing by the side of the window during both the phases of distress, transforms from a celebrated married lady to a widow in misfortune, all in the same frame.

Work Cited

Ray, Satyajit (Director). Rabindranath Tagore (Novel). 1984. Ghare-Baire (Film).NFDC.

Ansulika Paul

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Ansulika Paul

Ansulika Paul

Ansulika Paul is a poet, author, researcher and filmmaker. She is a filmmaker by heart and a film critic by words.

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