And Here You Are!

And Here You Are!

I clumped into a blossom of love

As you walked closer to me,
Like a butterfly unboxed from rut
I could feel the eternity
Each step of yours
Was a kiss in the air,
Camouflaged on my wings
And a mirage in the greens
You had a smile
Like a whisper whispered
To a babbling baby
As a gushing hug to the cheeks and gone
Your eyes were dazzled
With the mystic plot,
As you walked closer and closer
My eyes cohered the cosmic knot
And here you are,
Like a stormy wave in a calm city
Like a contagious fire in a jungle of bees. 
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Ansulika Paul

Ansulika Paul

Ansulika Paul is a poet, author, researcher and filmmaker. She is a filmmaker by heart and a film critic by words.

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