The Pandemic and the Teacher

The Pandemic and the Teacher

It has been two years since the mode of learning switched from classroom teaching to the online mode of education. As Covid spread its wings through every nook and corner of the globe, education embarked a new face. A face where teaching was bound to be anchored in the cloud. One as a teacher adapted to the blooming new face of education; exploring knowledge at the comfort of our home with just a click.

With this new trend in learning, evoked a new idea of what more the pandemic wanted teachers to teach students? What was the need of the hour? What best could a teacher serve students in this time of fear and anxiety? What was it that the students should learn during pandemic? Are we as teachers teaching enough to the students about the play of life and death which they have been witnessing in the world for more than a year now?
One could remember in the early 2020 when covid was declared a pandemic, a teacher was equally anxious and fearful about the students and their well-being. The only idea that procured during that time and now is to yoke peace within the students. Eventually the peace would spreads on a broader space.

One could as a teacher find the urgency of modifying one’s pedagogy in accordance with the current scenario. One could imbibe in one’s teaching that which builds students free of fear and anxiety. Incorporating within one’s teachings the true knowledge of life.
One as a teacher could change the world with its master words and the student could be the mascot of the change. Truly the pandemic demands a change in the student-teacher-teaching system.

Are we turning back to the age old system of education where ultimate wisdom was of highest value in education? Education today has been scrutinized to numbers. It is time for one to change.

Education that provides a platter of peace and satisfaction. Education that shines through souls fully contained in one’s true self. Education that serves nature and education that serves life.

Moulding the students proactive is crucial to learning today. One as a teacher needs to exercise its creative power to lit up students’ creativity. An education where questioning is the key to learning and curiosity is the only qualification required.

It is time to expolre oneself and find the true purpose of one’s being.
Ansulika Paul

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Ansulika Paul

Ansulika Paul

Ansulika Paul is a poet, author, researcher and filmmaker. She is a filmmaker by heart and a film critic by words.


  1. euphemism on April 22, 2021 at 8:01 am


  2. Ansulika Paul Ansulika Paul on April 23, 2021 at 8:03 am

    Thank you ma’am

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