

She was seen lying dead on her bed,

With few blood stains around her wardrobe,

She was naked and drenched,

Very much like an infant.

She would have surely struggled to be alive,

But she could hardly find any positive vibe.

She would have cried hard to be true,

But none heard or viewed.

She was ashamed of the fear, she was living with,

She was squabbling to be free.

And so she decided to take a sharp knife,

And cut her wrist multiple times.

People called it a suicide,

But she called it freedom by her side.

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Ansulika Paul

Ansulika Paul

Ansulika Paul is a poet, author, researcher and filmmaker. She is a filmmaker by heart and a film critic by words.


  1. Riya Dulani on August 13, 2023 at 5:25 pm

    So deep!????????

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