“Dentist” By Dr. Bharti Keshwani

“Dentist” By Dr. Bharti Keshwani

In this era of biological weapon,

Doctors are the warriors to reckon.

When everyone was resting in lockdown,

Doctors were there working around.

A dentist is a blend of doctor, engineer and artist,

A perfect portrait of an optimist.

Whenever you have toothache,

You need a dentist for God’s sake. Any wound needs time to heal,

But for the tooth you need a dentist to deal.

A dentist creates smile in and out,

Rebuilding a patient’s confidence and vanishing doubt.

‘Health is wealth’- we all know,

To appreciate this fact we really need to grow.

A routine dental check up is a must procedure,

It reflects how well you are aware.

With great power comes a great responsibility,

This pharse sits perfectly in dentistry.

This is a very noble profession,

It  demands hard work and dedication.

The fruit of patience is always sweet,

This is what a doctor has to tweet. Thankyou??

Dr. Bharti Keshwani.

Dr.Bharti Keshwani, is born and brought up in Dhamtari, Chhattisgarh, India . She is currently  practicing dentistry in her hometown. She is a bit reserved in person, so prefers to express through writing and eventually with COViD-19 lockdown , she got indulged in writing poems.

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Ansulika Paul

Ansulika Paul

Ansulika Paul is a poet, author, researcher and filmmaker. She is a filmmaker by heart and a film critic by words.

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